

Gordes, carrefour des amateurs d'art, a été officiellement nommé l'un des plus beaux villages de France. Les bâtiments en pierre perchés sur les falaises offrent une vue imprenable sur la Provence. Tel un gigantesque gâteau de mariage se dressant au-dessus de la Sorgue et du Calavon, le village en gradins de Gordes jaillit de façon spectaculaire de la face rocheuse du plateau du Vaucluse. Au coucher du soleil, le village rayonne d'or, offrant un spectacle saisissant.


Abbey of Senanque

At the very top is the church and the castle which face out onto the hills of the Luberon

The fabulous Abbey of Senanque is not far from Gordes. Cistercian monks still live there producing honey, lavender essence, and liqueurs.

Just beside Gordes is the Village de Bories, an ancient hamlet of all dry-stone buildings: an incredible collection of houses, walls, barns and a variety of other enclosures, including a period silk-making shop.


WEEKLY MARKET occurs on Tuesday mornings.

SUPERMARKET options include:

There are a few small food shops called epiceries in Gordes. These shops will most likely close during lunch times.

There is a "supérette": Utile Gordes – Rue de la Poste

For a larger grocery store you will need to travel to Super U in Coustellet: Open from 8:30 am -7:30 pm weekdays and Saturdays. Open Sunday mornings until 12:30.

Note that many grocery stores are closed Sundays and Monday, or have limited hours on Sunday mornings.


Boulangerie Cayrol Thierry

2 Rue de l'Église, open every day in the summer but closed on Sundays in the winters.

Boulangerie de Mamie Jane

Route Neuve, 84220 Gordes


There are many options for restaurants in Gordes - from casual to fine dining.

Please note that most restaurants in Provence do not open until 7:30 in the evening. Reservations are needed in the high season, especially for groups.


One of the best known wineries in this area is Domaine de La Verriere, located in Goult.

In neighboring Menerbes, you will find Aureto and Domaine Citadelle.

Most wineries are closed on Sundays and during lunch hours.